Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Month of February is all about Hearts

As another Valentine's day is upon us, we are reminded to pay tribute to our Sweethearts, but how about the REAL Hearts?? Did you know that February 5th was “WEAR Red Day” in recognition of support in the fight against Heart disease that American Heart Association promotes

Heart disease is the leading cause of death of women in the United States. The American Heart Association reports that in the United States 1 in 4 women die of heart disease each year. The U.S Department of Health also reports that in 2004, 60% of all women who died due to heart disease and not cancer, which is what most people believe.

To honor the fight against heart disease, I would like to share the findings of a recent breastfeeding study that showed a reduction of heart disease in the mother and baby.
The research found that women, who reported a lifetime history of breastfeeding for 12 months or more, were less likely to have postmenopausal cardiovascular disease.
Prolonged lactation of at least 12 months has been shown to improve a woman’s glucose level, reduce metabolic disorder, obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
This information is significant because the women who were studied had at least 30 years since they last breastfed and the protection was still prevalent. The importance of this information transcends all women regardless of age, parity, socioeconomic background, and education.

The American Heart Association reports in their Scientific Sessions of 2007 that children who are breastfed "are less likely to have certain cardiovascular disease risk factors in adulthood then their formula fed counterparts". It appears that children who are breastfed have lower BMI (Body Mass Index) and a higher amount of the "good cholesterol". This good cholesterol helps protect breastfed children as adults from cardiovascular disease.

So for the rest of this month continue to WEAR RED in support of the fight to reduce heart disease in women and children by educating them on the importance of breastfeeding.

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